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Things to read

NameYear of publicationAuspiced byWhen retrieved
The last places on earth with no invasive species2014BBC2022
Drivers of future alien species impacts: An expert-based assessment2020Global Change Biology - Wiley Online Library2022
Animal invaders threaten protected areas worldwide2020Nature Communications2022
The Earth Has a Microbiome — And It Needs Help2022The Revelator2022
COP15: Key outcomes agreed at the UN biodiversity conference in Montreal2022Carbon Brief2022
Mapping invasive species around the worldn. d.Mosquito Magnet2022
From 300,000 rabbits to none: a Southern Ocean island is reborn2022The Guardian2022
Turning the tide: The Eradication of Invasive Species2002IUCN2023
Damage from invasive species 'trebling every decade'2021The Guardian2023
Economic costs of invasive alien ants worldwide2022Biological Invasions2023
Confirming the broadscale eradication success of nutria (Myocastor coypus) from the Delmarva Peninsula, USA
2022Biological Invasions2023
Managing biological invasions: the cost of inaction2022Biological Invasions2023
Translational invasion ecology: bridging research and practice to address one of the greatest threats to biodiversity2021Biological Invasions2023
Knowledge, reason and emotion: using behavioral theories to understand people’s support for invasive animal management2021Biological Invasions2023
Invasive blue crabs threaten economy of whole regions of Italy, official say2023The Guardian2023
She kills to be kind: the mastermind ecologist eliminating invasive predators2023The Guardian2023
Invasive species top killer list as biologists honour Australian wonders lost to modern extinction since 1960s2023ABC News2023
Hogs are running wild in the U.S.—and spreading disease2023National Geographic2024
A One Health approach to invertebrate invasive speciesn.d.FAO2024
Forecasting global spread of invasive pests and pathogens through international trade2023Ecosphere - Ecological Society of America2024
A fire ant and a feral horse walk into a bar2024The Guardian2024
Global economic costs of aquatic invasive alien species2021Science Direct2024
Invasive alien species and climate change2021IUCN2024
Invasive alien species may be a bigger threat to natural World Heritage than previously thought2020IUCN2024
Pan-Arctic distribution modeling reveals climate-change-drivenpoleward shifts of major gelatinous zooplankton species2024 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography2024
Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable2024Nature ecology & evolution2024
Unrecognized threat to global soil carbon by a widespread invasive species2021Global Change Biology2024
Team of international experts call for urgent action against increasing threat from invasive species2024Nature Ecology & Evolution2024
Predicting future invaders and future invasions2019PNAS2024
The impact of roaming pet cats on Australian wildlife2023Biodiversity Council2024
2024 Living Planet Report2024World WildLife Fund and London Zoological Society2024
Invasive Alien Species Video (9 minutes)2014TheASEANbiodiversity2024

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